St Leonard's RC Primary – Year 3

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Mini Vinnie’s need your help!

Please help! We need help to donate as many tin cans or packets (long life food) to help the community have food for this harvest. We need all the help you have to offer to get all tin cans and packets in. The deadline is Wednesday 17th October 2018. Please send your donations to your class teacher or the office by the deadline date.

Thank you from the Mini Vinnie’s.

(Year 5 and Year 6)


10 out of 10!

Grace, Riley, Lenix, Lyla, Olly, Abigail H, Isaac, Charley S, Zac, Isabel, Dylan, Charley F, Matthew B and Phoebe all scored 10 out of 10 in our spelling test this week.  It is wonderful to see so many children improving their score each week.  Well done! 😃

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Homework this week is to click the link below and play some of the maths games.

Class 3 should also be trying to earn as many points as possible on Times Tables Rock Stars.

Spellings and reading books will be sent home tomorrow. Spelling sheets are to be completed and returned to school by Wednesday. Reading books are to be returned to school on Monday.
