St Leonard's RC Primary – Year 3


Super spelling

Sebastian, Sophie W, Emily, Luke H, Amelia, Connor, Lily, Jack G, Isaac, Orla, Gabriel, Millie and Aidan all scored full marks in our spelling test.  Well done!  The spelling test scores in Year 3 have improved throughout the year.  Keep up the good work Year 3!

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Homework this week is to play some fractions and decimals games at home. Please click the link below.

Yesr 3 should also be using Times Tables Rock Stars regularly at home to try and earn as many points as possible.

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Great guitarists

Our guitarists enjoyed their lesson outside today with Mr. Rouse. He is impressed with their efforts. Keep it up!

Mr. Rouse has spaces available if anyone else would like to learn the guitar.



Year 3 worked as a group to identify the impact of climate on a country. They presented their ideas about the weather, food, jobs, school and lifestyle in Greece. Fantastic teamwork from everyone! 😃