St Leonard's RC Primary – Year 3


Full marks!

Sebastian, Connor, Matilda, Jack G, Emily, Luke H, Millie, Luke M, Gabriel, Orla, Owen, Jack T, Aidan, Lily, Henry, Sophie W, Isaac, Sophie F, Watson and Isobel all scored 10 out of 10 in our spelling test this week. It is wonderful to see more and more children improving their score each week. 😃


Battle of the Bands

Year 3 won the Battle of the Bands against Year 2 with a fantastic score of 9613 points.  Gabriel, Jack G, Connor, Emily, Sophie F, Isaac, Alexis, Olivia, Sebastian, Matilda, Sophie W, Henry, Luke M, Jacob, Bobby, Owen, Luke H, Orla, Lilly, Millie, Aidan and Jack T all scored points for Year 3.  Well done! 😃



Year 3 visit Frankie and Benny’s


Year 3 had a fantastic visit to Frankie and Benny’s to make their own pizza.

This gallery contains 41 photos