St Leonard's RC Primary – Year 3


Visit to Frankie and Benny’s

Year 3 will be visiting Frankie and Benny’s in Sunderland on Tuesday 17th April to make pizzas. We will leave school at 9.10am and will return to school for lunch. The children will take the pizzas home to eat. A letter will be sent home soon with further information on.


Super spelling

Well done Olivia, Sebastian, Lily,  Luke H, Gabriel, Connor, Jack G, Orla, Logan P, Henry, Jacob, Isaac, Isobel and Amelia for scoring full marks in our spelling test this week. Keep up the good work!

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Food Bank Appeal

Missy Redman, an ex pupil has recently been crowned Miss Sunderland thanks to her charity fundraising. Her latest aim is to get as many tins, boxes or packets of food stuffs for the food bank. Please send any donations to school by Thursday.

Thank You

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Non-uniform day

It is non-uniform day on Thursday 29th March. If the children wish to come to school in their own clothes they will need to bring £1 which will go towards resources and experiences for the children.

Thanks for your continued support


Shakespeare Day

Year 3 had  lots of fun on Shakespeare Day. We certainly ‘looked the part’ in our Shakespearean and Tempest themed outfits! During our Golden assembly some of Year 3 performed a news report and talked about all of our learning throughout the topic. Our main event of the day was putting the wizard, Prospero on trial and the children debated whether he was good or evil.

Well done everyone.