St Leonard's RC Primary – Year 3


Celebrating success

Aidan took part in a bowling competition recently. Thank you for sharing your bowling medal with us. Well done!


Rock Star Day

The children thoroughly enjoyed Rock Star Day on Friday. We looked great in our Rock Star outfits and thoroughly enjoyed all of the activities throughout the day.

The children’s  favourite part of the day was the Red Carpet event. We found out the result of the Class Battle with Year 5 and although we didn’t win we worked so hard and should feel incredibly proud of our efforts.

We would like to give a special well done to Sophie Fogg for being not only the most valuable player but also the most improved player in our battle. During the Speed tables round, Gabriel, Jack G, Emily and Isaac battled hard to become Rock Star legends. You were truly amazing!



Battle of the Bands update

Year 3 are still beating Year 5 in the Battle of the Bands! Well done to Year 3 for an amazing effort. Keep it up! 😃

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Dressing up on World Book Day

On Friday 2nd March we are celebrating World Book Day. Throughout the week the whole school are studying Shakespeare. As well as studying Shakespearean plays, there will be drama and art workshops.

Year 3 will be studying the Tempest. This is a story all about a magician called Prospero who causes a shipwreck.

We would love for children to embrace the theme of the week and choose an outfit that relates to the Shakespearean theme. We don’t expect you to go out and buy anything.

The Tempest features a wizard called Prospero, a spirit called Ariel, the King of Naples, a monster named Caliban, sailors and a beautiful royal girl who looks princess like. These characters may give some inspiration to an outfit.


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Rock Star Day

Times Tables Rock Star Day is Friday 23rd February. Key Stage 2 children shall be coming into school dressed as a rock star.


If you are stuck for ideas for what to wear, simply wear a t-shirt and a pair of jeans but most importantly, don’t forget your rock star attitude and sass!


100 books challenge

The children should have taken home the 100 books challenge list booklet today. They may have read some of the books already from the reading list. Please return the booklet to school when they have read some of the books and the list is signed and dated.



10 out of 10!

Well done to Connor, Emily, Sophie F, Jack G, Luke H, Millie, Jacob, Orla, Joyce, Luke M, Gabriel, Jack T, Aidan, Lily, Henry, Sophie W, Amelia and Isaac for scoring 10 out of 10 in our spelling test. It is fantastic to see so many children improving their score each week.