St Leonard's RC Primary – Year 3

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Carols around the tree 7.12.17 ðŸŽ„

Year 3 parents/carers are invited into school to celebrate our time of advent beginning. We will gather around our Christmas tree in the hall and you can join in informally with the carols so we can sing along together. You will be offered a tea light to take into the hall while we sing. We are singing at 2.30pm on Thursday 7th December. We look forward to seeing you there!


Polar Express

On Monday 4th December we will be watching the Polar Express. The children will need to come to school in their pyjamas and will be given a ticket at the door on Monday morning. They will watch the film and have hot chocolate.

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Visit to Hancock museum

Parents should have received a letter about our visit to the Hancock Museum on Wednesday 6th December. When we are at the museum the children will look at the rocks and fossils which is linked to our recent science topic. Thank you to parents for contributions made.

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Fair testing in Science

In Science we explored the question, ‘Which rocks would be a suitable for the roof of a shed? We realised that we needed a rock that was not permeable to water. We planned a fair investigation which tested whether or not water passed through each rock. We recorded our results into a Carroll diagram and concluded that 3 rocks would be suitable. Mr Armstrong supported us with our investigation.