St Leonard's RC Primary – Year 3

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Visit from Paul Cookson-author and poet

Paul Cookson will be coming to school On Friday 3rd November .

He will lead an assembly with the whole school and then work with some classes around the theme of poetry.

Due to the cost of such events we would kindly ask that each child brings into school a contribution of £1.

Click on the link below to find out more information about Paul:

Thank you for your continued support.

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Using the visualiser

In Year 3 we like to use the visualiser to show work.  Today we looked at some fantastic writing from Jack G and Emily.  They read their work to the class and the children identified the descriptive language they had used.

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Spooky stories 1.11.17

The children have received a letter about the Spooky stories event taking place on Wednesday 1st November.  It will take place from 4pm and finish at 5pm.  The children will listen to a spooky story and do some related activities.  The children can come dressed up and there will be some refreshments.

We would like to ask for a voluntary contribution of £2.00.  Please return your form and contirbution as soon as possible, so we know who is coming.
