St Leonard's RC Primary – Year 3

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Goodbye and thank you!

Good luck to all Year 3! We hope you all have a wonderful holiday and come back to school safely in September. You have all worked so hard this year. Happy holiday!

Thank you so much to all the parents for the lovely cards and gifts. Thank you also for your support throughout the year.
Mrs. Quinn and Miss. McVittie

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Sports day

The children need to come to school tomorrow in a coloured t-shirt to match their country.  They will also need to wear shorts and trainers.  Please ensure the children have suntan lotion applied to them before school.  They can also bring a cap/hat to wear and a drink.


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Sponsored spell

Today the children took part in our sponsored spell.  They have been learning some words for the test over the last few weeks and the children scored well.  Well done Year 3!  Please send any outstanding sponsorship money to school as soon as possible.


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Looking forward to sports day

Today we had lots of fun practising for Sports Day.

Sports Day takes place on Tuesday 18th July.  Greece, Brazil, Spain and China are the teams for sports day.  Each child has been invited to wear a t-shirt in the colour of their country.

Our Summer fair is also taking place on sports day and the musicians will also play during the day.  Please come and join us!


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Sponsored Spell

All Key Stage 2 children will be taking part in a Sponsored Spelling test on Wednesday 12th July. The same words that your child learned for the Spelling Bee will make up this test. Please try and get sponsored by as many family and friends as possible.
