St Leonard's RC Primary – Year 3

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Super spellers!

Alex, Jamie, Theo, Abi, Lewis, James, Charlotte T, Liam, Jack B, Ā Ava and Levi all scored full marks in our spelling test this week.

More and more children are scoring full marks in our spelling tests each week. The words the children have been tested on are words that the children need to know for our Spelling Bee next week. Well done and keep up this amazing work! šŸ˜€

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Preston park reminder

Year 3 will be visiting Preston Park on Tuesday 4th July. When we are there we will be visiting the museum and taking part in a Victorian workshop. We will leave school at 9.15am and return at 3pm. Thank you to the parents who have made contributions already. Ā Fingers crossed for dry weather on Tuesday!

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Using code

Yesterday the children used code to program objects to move in different directions. Some children used a drone and programmed it to move. They also programmed a sphero to move. Fantastic work from Year 3!

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Smiley awards

Well done toĀ Charlotte who was awarded her Gold award and to Emma who was awarded her Bronze award.