St Leonard's RC Primary – Year 3

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Making 3D shapes

The children made 3D shapes using play dou. They were able to name the properties of the shapes.


Persuasive letters

This week the children have planned and edited a persuasive letter to Mrs.  Doherty.  They were trying to persuade Mrs. Doherty to ban homework.  Please take a look at their fantastic work.  Well done Year 3!




Learning review meetings

This week we have had our learning review meetings.  The children prepared a PowerPoint and identified their successes and areas they need to improve.  They were able to present their PowerPoints clearly to their parents and answer questions about their learning this year. Thank you to all the parents/grandparents for coming and supporting your child.  A big thank you to the children for their fantastic effort during the learning review meetings.  Mrs. Quinn and Miss. McVittie were very proud!


Running 100m

Our Science topic this half term is ‘How do our bodies move?’  We know that Usain Bolt achieved an Olympic record when he ran 100m in 9.68 seconds in the 2012 Olympic Games and we wanted to see how long it would take us to run 100m.  We measured 100m on the yard and timed everyone running the distance.  We recorded all the times and made a graph to show our results.  Please take a look at Year 3 in action!


World Book Day Poetry

During World Book Day, Year 3 worked in groups to write poetry based on the Mister Men. The children also performed their poetry to the class. We tried very hard to make our poems rhyme and to ensure each line had the correct number of syllables.

Take a look at them, we hope you like them. (Click on each image to read the whole poem).

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Smiley Awards

Well done to Theo who achieved the Silver Award and well done to Emma who achieved the Gold Award. These are amazing achievements. We are very proud of you; keep up all of your hard work.


World Book Day

Year 3 really enjoyed dressing up as a character from a book on World Book Day.

Well done to Megan who dressed as an Oompa Loompa and won the prize for the best dressed in Year 3. We loved the orange face paint and green hair dye!